End-to-end Sales Solution to Improve Customer Engagement and Sales for E-commerce Platform

    The Client

    The client, Telebrands, is a leading American direct television marketing company known for its innovative product catalogue, designed to provide convenient solutions to everyday needs while saving customer time and cost.

    Business Challenges

    With a plethora of benefits such as contactless transactions, easy accessibility, and a faster buying process, ecommerce has slowly become a preferred mode of shopping. People love to order garments, electronic devices, cosmetics, etc., from the comforts of their homes. Therefore, the marketplace is evolving rapidly. Businesses are trying their best to maintain consistency by meeting or exceeding KPIs, providing lucrative offers to acquire new customers, incentivizing existing customers, and performing referral marketing to outperform their peers. With a substantial online presence across 30+ marketplaces and a product catalog of 25 unique household and daily-use articles, the client also embraced a similar strategy. Still, they needed help tapping into their full potential. They encountered challenges like abandoned carts, rising return/ replacement requests, and consumer queries that also catapulted to poor CSAT scores and higher TAT. It was then an easy choice for the customers to prefer a competitor. This was when the client realized the need to partner with an experienced customer service company to help them upsell and cross-sell, improve existing relationships, and establish a distinctive position in the industry.
    good customer service marketplaces
    customer service

    Solutions Delivered

    The client partnered with JindalX in 2012 by leveraging an end-to-end business process management (BPM) solution that helps them identify anomalies, create an effective communication strategy to save sales, and improve returning customers. After a thorough discussion with their leaders and conducting real-time, end-to-end analysis of their business metrics and the industry they serve, we proposed a comprehensive solution that helps improve the numbers and customer satisfaction rate.

    1. Customer success and satisfaction

    Using a customized, data-driven, process-specific knowledge management system (KMS), we trained people on several measures that help dictate positive outcomes like business-specific geographies, customer base, and their unique demands. It helped them seamlessly analyze the shortcomings in the existing customer service funnel and provide effective resolutions. These customized learning and training efforts led to improved FTR and CSAT scores. And within 6 months of our customized end-to-end sales solution, business witnessed an increase in repeat purchases by 30%, and positive word-to-mouth also went up.

    2. Faster service ticket resolution

    Our team offered omnichannel support to empower consumers with multiple communication channels, giving them the flexibility to get the solution to their queries. For example, we found that the first response time was almost 2.5X higher on email and chat support than voice support.

    3. New business sales and account management

    We leveraged their amazing marketing offers and services to our advantage in upselling/ cross selling their products, which invariably increased pipeline sales volume and referral rate.

    4. Seasonal variation and customer volatility

    After analyzing their historical sales data, we predicted the seasonal demand and variation for the partner. We also hired a dedicated team to work on their website queries from different microsites and address them accordingly. We managed to maintain over 200 % of seasonal variation with our readiness and efficient demand forecasting, which resulted in a>15% decrease in customer loss.

    5. Data Warehouse Solution

    We have recently designed an Amazon Redshift-based cloud data warehouse solution, IntelliCRM DWH, for the client. This central data repository imports order data in real-time from Shopify and other online marketplaces, including new order information, addition and status notifications for all transactions including shipping details, and cancellations and refunds updates. The integrated application suite helps the operations team provide customer support on orders originating from multiple sources. They can now filter, sort, aggregate, analyze the data, make informed business decisions and achieve high accessibility to customers and optimize revenue.

    Data Warehouse

    customer support dashboard



    Increased CSAT score


    Repeat Purchases


    Converted cart abandonment

    About JindalX

    Founded in 1999, JindalX, part of the $30 billion OP Jindal Group, is a global business outsourcing company delivering exceptional customer experience (CX) solutions for businesses worldwide. We embrace the power of automation, follow a data-driven approach and harness human potential to provide our partners with the best CX. JindalX has served over 100 clients, including fortune 500 companies across 8+ industries like healthcare, financial services & insurance, real money gaming, edtech, and ecommerce, among others, in over 15 locations globally.
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