

    How valuable is your Data? Our analytics experts are awesome at not just value determination but also at value creation through effective collection and processing of data.

    JindalX combines the art and science of data analytics to collect, organize and present big data in simple yet powerful ways. Clients use insights provided as inputs for strategic planning and decision making. Our business intelligence dashboards combine data visualization and descriptive analysis, which are then used by cross-functional teams sitting at multiple locations. Multi-account access is a powerful feature that enables teams to easily upload, combine, analyse and share charts that track critical business data.

    Our world of Data Analytics

    Data Visualization
    Data Visualization

    We use powerful tools like PowerBI, Tableau and R-Shiney to publish complex real-time data which is then effectively used for transformational insights and strategic decision making.

    Big Data Analysis
    Big Data Analysis

    Using advanced analytics, we make sense of large and varied data sets to uncover hidden patterns, predictive trends, customer experience, and profit/cost centers. This critical information can optimize decision making in real-time.

    Business Intelligence
    Business Intelligence

    Our business process management system is loaded with a variety of tools and technologies to completely transform the way you view and interpret reports. Our reporting structure is based on business insights derived from critical indicators and can be used to achieve tangible outcomes.

    Workforce Analytics
    Workforce Analytics

    Workforce planning can be tricky and may lead to loss in revenue if not done accurately. Our workforce management team brings their years of experience in planning and organizing workforce patterns for clients observing very high fluctuations in volumes. We have the right expertise to use trends and apply a fudge factor to derive workforce schedules with much higher accuracy.

    Speech and Text Analytics
    Speech and Text Analytics

    Voice and Text data is extremely useful to develop business insights and also develop self-service channels for customers. Our Speech and Text analytics have transformed client operations and enabled them to reduce transaction volumes while improving their service quality & accuracy.

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