1 |
Name / address of Website |
www.jindalx.com |
2 |
Name of the Establishment |
Jindal Intellicom Limited |
3 |
Address of Establishment (Registered Office) |
28, Shivaji Marg, New Delhi- 110 015 |
4 |
Address of Establishment/ Branch Office where contract workers are to be engaged |
28, Shivaji Marg, New Delhi- 110 015 |
5 |
Nature of work for which Contract Workmen are to be employed |
Housekeeping, Pantry Services and Security Services |
6 |
Name of the Proprietor/ Partner/ Director/ Managing Director |
Sanjiv Garg, Whole Time Director |
7 |
Date of starting Business |
01-03-2002 |
8 |
Date of Agreement with the Principal Employer |
9 |
Phone and Email ID of Person incharge of Contract Work |
Mr. Amit Patwari
Phone: 011-42094400
Email Id: amitp@jindalx.com |
10 |
Phone No. of PE |
011-42094400 |
11 |
E-mail ID of PE |
ajay.bhatia@jindalx.com |
12 |
Website Address of Contractor's establishment |
13 |
Registration No. under Registration act, 1908 |
N.A. |
14 |
Registration No. under Partnership Act, 1932 |
N.A. |
15 |
Registration No. under Companies Act, 1956 |
U74899DL1988PLC033588 |
16 |
Registration No. under Delhi Shops & Establishment Act, 1954 |
2014055157 |
17 |
Registration No. under the Factories Act (for PE) |
N.A. |
18 |
Registration No. of Employee ESI Act, 1948 |
11001151650001008 |
19 |
Registration No. of EPF and Misc. Provisions Act, 1952 |
DL/30637 |
20 |
Goods and Service Tax Registration No. |
07AAACJ0226A1ZF |
21 |
PAN Card No. |
AAACJ0226A |